JB Garage & Forecourt specialises in providing Fuel Handling and Management solutions for the Zimbabwean petroleum industry. With over a decade of experience in the industry we pride ourselves in being a dynamic company that focuses on staying relevant with the latest technologies that provide effective solutions to our clients in Zimbabwe. Garage & Forecourt is ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Services(QMS) certified and TRACE certified. We are authorised distributors of Wayne fueling systems and Alentec Orion lubrication equipment.
Our Products
Fuel Equipment
Authorised Distributor of Tokheim and Wayne Fuel Dispensers
Lubrication Equipment
Supply of oil and greasing equipment and authorised distributors of Orion products.
Flow Measurement Equipment
Lifting Equipment
KPS HDPE underground piping installations for service stations and above ground pipeworks.
Forecourt Installations
From Ground work up to Canopy installations.